Sean Ahearn — Daytime Outreach Operations Manager

As Pine Street Inn’s daytime outreach operations manager, Sean Ahearn prepares case managers and clinicians to serve Boston’s unsheltered community on the street.
“I’m sure many have heard the term “outreach” used. If you turn the word around, it defines exactly what we do. We reach out,” says Sean. “Our role is to meet humans who are suffering where they’re at.”
“I’ve worked in outreach for about 4 years,” says Sean. “Pine Street has allowed me to continue my life’s work of serving those in need.”
Sean was first introduced to Pine Street when he was eight years old through his mother’s church. “Once or twice a month, we would pack these bags of toiletries, snacks and water,” Sean explains. “Our pastor would bring them to a place called Pine Street Inn.”
As the years went on, Sean traveled to South Africa, El Salvador and Guatemala to help homeless individuals regain stability before returning to Boston to teach. He saw Pine Street as an opportunity to continue his passion for service.
“To those that we serve: if you’re out there on the streets, don’t give up hope,” Sean concludes. “We will find you, we will serve you and together we will transform lives.”