Charitable Bequests

Charitable Bequests:

A Gift Through Your Will or Trust

A charitable bequest made through your will or trust to Pine Street Inn can help us provide street outreach, shelter, job training, and most of all, a place to call home for individuals experiencing homelessness. 

Charitable bequests give you the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy of helping to end homelessness while maintaining your current financial situation. 

When making a charitable bequest, you can direct all or a part of your estate to Pine Street Inn. You have remarkable flexibility in how you make this designation. For example, you can leave:

  • A specific asset
  • A certain sum of money
  • A percentage of your estate
  • What remains of your estate after you have provided for other beneficiaries

Importantly, you can change your bequest whenever you choose, and you remain in complete control of the planning process and your assets until your death. Click here for sample bequest language.

We are here to help!
Every situation is different. Please contact Davi Axinn Levine, Director of Planned Giving, at 617.892.9244 or for assistance with calculations, to receive a brochure, or to explore other giving options that meet your charitable giving goals. 

Tax ID number: 04-2516093
Address: Pine Street Inn, Attn: Development, 444 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02118