Twenty-six years ago, two friends with big hearts launched the Turkey Truck to provide Thanksgiving meals for those in need. Since then, it has grown to supply 100% of the dinner protein served at Pine Street Inn’s tables year-round.
Your contribution will help Pine Street make bulk protein purchases, providing essential nourishment to the individuals in our emergency shelters, as well as Veterans and SafeHaven housing sites.
Thanks to Turkey Truck donors, Pine Street Inn can continue our important work, even amid rising food costs. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to the more than 2,000 people who turn to Pine Street Inn every day!
If you, your group, school or company want to help those in need this holiday season, contributing to the 2024 Turkey Truck will have a profound impact on our guests, covering all protein needs for an entire year.
This year, an anonymous donor is providing a dollar-for-dollar match for all Turkey Truck donations up to $50,000. Double your donation today!
You can contribute to the Turkey Truck by clicking here, giving through your Donor Advised Fund, or even by creating your own fundraising page where you can have friends, family or work colleagues join in your collection.  For more information, please contact turkeytruck@pinestreetinn.org or 617.892.9199.