Joaquin — Rebuilding His Life

Joaquin works hard and loves to cook. However, following his second layoff in as many years, he became depressed and began drinking heavily. Eventually, he was unable to pay his rent and lost his apartment.
“I had a lot of experience working as a cook at one of Boston’s hospitals,” says Joaquin. “After losing that job, I was able to find a new one at a local restaurant. Then I got laid off because of the pandemic, and I was devastated.”
“I started drinking,” he says. “I was in such a bad place that I couldn’t find a job. I paid my rent for as long as I could, but things got worse, and I wound up on the street.”
Winter is an especially tough time when you’re living on the street. “I used to sleep outside in the winter — no matter what the weather was,” he says. “I would wake up and have snow around me. It was the hardest time in my life.”
“I lost my housing, but then I found Pine Street,” Joaquin says. “One day, it was so cold that I came into the shelter. I got connected to a case manager who helped me fill out housing applications and other paperwork. It took about three months, but they found me a great place to live.”
Now Joaquin has the support he needs to help with his recovery and remain in his apartment. “I love it here,” Joaquin says. “I have a park across the street where I can play soccer, and I have a little kitchen where I can cook. The case managers help me with anything I need. Going to Pine Street saved me.”