Leslie M. — “Ask for Help When You Need It”

Leslie M., a Vietnam-era United States Army veteran, served for six years. Despite working steadily at a telecommunications company for 30 years, he lost his home following a divorce. “I never thought I would end up without a roof over my head,” Leslie says.
“I was paying my mother’s bills and paying my own mortgage at the same time,” Leslie continues. “When my wife and I split up, it was too much of a financial strain, and I became homeless”
For over a year, Leslie stayed in his car or with friends. “I didn’t feel right about using my veterans’ benefits at first, and I didn’t want to go to a shelter,” Leslie says.
“One day, I met a member of Pine Street Inn’s veterans housing team. When he learned I was a veteran, he suggested I come to Pine Street’s shelter. I had a knee injury and needed a place to recover, so I said ‘yes.’”
Leslie was in shelter for just a few months before moving into Pine Street’s veterans home in Dorchester. “I met some great people there,” Leslie says. “Since we were all veterans, we had a shared experience and understood each other. It was like a family.”
Recently, Leslie moved into his own apartment. “I wanted a larger place where my kids could visit,” Leslie says. “The best advice I could give is to ask for help when you need it. I’m thankful that Pine Street was there when I needed them.”