Bryce T. — “This is Home”

Bryce T., 69, is a tenant in Pine Street Inn’s newest residence at 140 Clarendon Street in Boston’s Back Bay. While Bryce has worked hard throughout his life with careers as both a chef and a mechanic, he still became homeless.
“When the pandemic hit in 2020, I lost my job and my housing,” Bryce says. “I then came to Pine Street Inn for help.” Bryce stayed in the Men’s Inn shelter and then moved into 140 Clarendon Street. “When I heard that 140 Clarendon was opening, I talked to my case manager and applied right away.”
Clarendon Street has 111 apartments with support services for people like Bryce who are moving out of homelessness. Tenants receive onsite support such as housing stabilization, case management and behavioral health services. Additionally, tenants enjoy regular community activities and the use of a fitness center and a media center.
“I’ve been here since the building opened,” Bryce says. “When I moved in, there was a basket waiting with all of the home goods I needed—a mop, a broom and all kinds of cleaning supplies. There are laundry facilities on every floor, community rooms with kitchens, and more. These may seem like small things, but they really made me feel welcome and like this was home.
My case manager has been helpful in getting me settled into my new place. They have also helped me update some paperwork and get an ID renewed so I can begin a job search.”
Bryce adds, “Pine Street was there when I needed them. If you’re homeless, get the support you need. It can take time, but it’s worth it.”